Dentistry in its surgical aspect allows the recovery of lost teeth, either in patients who have lost all their teeth, or those who suffer from the loss of one or several pieces. With components that consist of a titanium metal root and an upper part of material similar to the tooth, we get our patients to recover both their lost smile and the ability to eat and speak without problems.
The success, stability and durability of an implant resides in the quality of the bone that supports it, which is why, in certain cases, to be able to place an implant, it is required to increase the amount of bone in the area of this implant. Bone regeneration or bone grafting is a set of techniques that have great advantages for patients who did not have the opportunity to place an implant due to a lack of bone.
La regeneració òssia és un tractament exigent i es pot fer mitjançant diferents tècniques:
. Regeneració mitjançant l’ús de biomaterials quan l’empelt que es requereix és menor, o l’ús d’os autòleg no està indicat.
. Regeneració amb os autòleg, os obtingut del propi pacient mitjançant tècniques mínimament invasives i amb un post operatori sorprenentment suportable.