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The technique that allows you to align your teeth without it being visible

Lingual Orthodontics


They are invisible to the eyes of others, they are applied to the inner face of the tooth.


They are very comfortable. You will only need a short adjustment period just like with normal braces treatments.

Short duration

The necessary treatment time is lower if we compare it to traditional orthodontics.

Easy cleaning

They allow a more correct brushing of the teeth, which means that possible infections or stains on the tooth enamel are avoided. Thanks to the position of the orthodontics, it is compatible with treatments such as whitening, veneers…

Invisible orthodontics

Fixing and modifying the physiognomy of your mouth has never been so practical and simple. Lingual orthodontics is a revolutionary system that benefits both patients and specialists. An innovative invisible system that guarantees the restoration of your teeth.

Lingual orthodontics is an orthodontic technique in which brackets are placed on the inside of the teeth, on their lingual side.

By wearing braces on the inside of the teeth, they go completely unnoticed. It allows an orthodontic treatment with movements as with the traditional system but in a way that is imperceptible to others.

Primera visita

Programa tu primera visita, en la que te orientaremos sobre tu caso concreto.

We will take a panoramic x-ray to assess your oral health status. This visit is without obligation and without charge.


Para poder ofrecerte un plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia en función de tus necesidades.

Para ello necesitamos una ortopantomografía y telerradiografía lateral de cráneo. Registros fotográficos: tanto faciales como intraorales y un molde de yeso de tu boca.

Entrega del estudio

Durante el estudio de los registros analizamos el problema, definimos los objetivos y exponemos opciones de tratamiento, duración y le entregamos un presupuesto. En la siguiente visita nos sentaremos a hablar del caso y le explicaremos y entregaremos el estudio. Así dispondrá de toda la información necesaria para tomar la decisión más adecuada.


Una vez hemos tomado la decisión de empezar el tratamiento y nos hemos decantado por una u otra opción, es tan fácil como tomar una cita de inicio en la que te comentaremos los brackets.